
X-Cart is a PHP shopping cart software that was designed to ease the life of online shoppers. They just choose necessary items, add them to the shopping cart and get the final sum to be paid (including shipping expenses and taxes). Online merchants add X-Cart to their stores because:

  • It is a PHP shopping cart program that doesn't cost much.
  • X-Cart is 100% PCI-DSS compatible.
  • It comes with several professional eCommerce design templates.
  • It is search engine friendly.

If you want to speed up your online store, integrate CDN with your X-Cart platform. Read the detailed instructions how to do this below.

Before you start

  1. Since we will use the Cname address next, please ensure that you have configured the CDN resources on the console .
  2. If you want to integrate a CDN service on https:// pages, you must ensure that SSL is enabled on the console.
  3. If your website has embedded custom fonts, please confirm that you have enabled the CORS headers in the LightCDN console.

Integration approach

Enable CDN in X-cart

Open the file smarty.php located in the root directory of X-Cart.

Replace the following lines.

$smarty->assign('ImagesDir',        $xcart_web_dir . $smarty_skin_dir . '/images');
$smarty->assign('SkinDir',          $xcart_web_dir . $smarty_skin_dir);

With the following lines.

$smarty->assign('ImagesDir',        '' . $smarty_skin_dir . '/images');
$smarty->assign('SkinDir',          '' . $smarty_skin_dir);

Open the file /include/templater/plugins/function.load_defer_code.php.

Replace the following line.

$cacheWebFile = $var_dirs_web['cache'] . '/' . $label . '.' . $md5Suffix . '.' . $type;

With the following lines.

$cacheWebFile = '' . $var_dirs_web['cache'] . '/' . $label . '.' . $md5Suffix . '.' . $type;

Open the file /include/func/func.files.php.

Find (not replace) the following line.

global $config, $sql_tbl, $xcart_dir, $current_location;

And add (not replace) the following lines.

$current_location = '';

Open the file /include/templater/plugins/function.get_category_image_url.php.

Replace the following line.

return func_convert_amp(func_get_image_url($category['categoryid'], 'C', $category['image_path']));

With the following line where is supposed to be the domain of your website.

return str_replace('', '', func_convert_amp(func_get_image_url($category['categoryid'], 'C', $category['image_path'])));

Open the file /skin/common_files/modules/Banner_System/banner_rotator.tpl.

Replace the following line.


With the following line where is supposed to be the domain of your website.

LightCDN all right reserved,powered by GitbookUpdated Time: 2023-10-08 11:29:56

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